Sinshe Prescription (Resep Obat Sinse)

Resep Obat Sinse

Hiii... Mom, I got this receipt from freind's blog.... it might be useful for u...

Resep berikut ini diberikan oleh maminya karena dia mensnya ga teratur... dan setelah minum obat sinshe godokan ini, dianya langsung isi. Intinya si resep ini untuk menguatkan dan revitalitas organ reproduksi kita. 

* Cara minumnya 
  1. setelah mens (hari pertama setelah mens) minumnya 2 hari sekali selama 4x digodok / rebus ( jangan pake BESI /STAIN) harus pake kaca/panci burik (panci yang besinya dilapisi cat biasanya berwarna biru burik2) sendoknya juga yang plastik ya ^_^
  2. di godok 2x untuk pagi dan sore
  3. pagi= 4 gelas air diapi kecil sampe jadi 1 gelas
  4. sore= 2 gelas air diapi kecil sampe jadi setengah gelas
  5. di sarankan beli 4-5 resep per siklus jd 8-10 hr karena setelah itu kita diharapkan ovulasi di h14-dst
  6. jangan makan AMIS( ikan , jeroan, kambing), DINGIN (es), ama yang PANAS ( duren , mangga)
  7. diulang lg jika mens
  8. jangan berasa beban ( repot, pahit, dll)
  9. yakin akan apa yang kita minum akan memperbaiki reproduksi kita
  10. selalu berdoa dan berusaha
  11. pasrah ama Yang Di Atas
Note : Obat cina bisa kok diminum pas kita minum obat dokter..minumnya dengan jarak 4 jam sesudah ato sebelum..karena dari alam jadi tidak berbahaya.. cari toko obatnya yang oke ya..jgn yang sepi hehe jd stok bahan2 jamunya fresh/baru selalu.
Semoga cepet hamil ya..

* Pantangan 

1. Pantangan selama mengkonsumsi obat”an China (termasuk resep sinshe di atas)

        TEH (segala jenis teh), LOBAK, DAGING B2, KACANG”an, dan AIR KELAPA.
        Semua ini bersifat menetralkan khasiat si obat.

2. Pantangan untuk yang berahim dingin

Obat sinshe di atas baik diminum oleh wanita berahim dingin (ciri”: sel telur kecil”, sering masuk angin, dan kaki dingin). Supaya lebih berkhasiat, sebaiknya diikuti dengan pantangan:

lontar (swalan), ketimun, pepaya, melon, blewah, labu siam (jipang), cabai, terong, labu air, kubis, sirsak, tauge, dukuh, sawi putih, bayam, rebung, rambutan, lobak, bengkuang, cincau hitam, kacang hijau, air kelapa muda, pare, pisang ambon, dan segala jenis minuman dingin / mengandung es.

Semua ini mengandung unsur “yin” ~dingin~, yang bisa membuat dingin saluran reproduksi wanita / pria.

3. Pantangan untuk yang suspect kista

    Obat sinshe di atas baik diminum oleh wanita dengan suspect kista. Supaya lebih berkhasiat, sebaiknya diikuti dengan pantangan: nangka, mangga, durian, nanas, sate, dan aneka jenis gorengan

* Toko 

  1. Sinshe Wong FOE KONG R.O. INDAH JAYA (KONG TJIE TONG) Gg Warung No.106 Telp 20614 Semarang, alamat ini sudah pindah ke t/o CIPTA JAYA (kong jin tong) jln. pekojan 105. telp. 024-3545073. dari gang warung belok kiri ada jembatan, tokonya pojok kiri. 
  2. Toko Tay Seng Ho yang di Glodok Jakarta. jl. pancoran barat no. 28. tel: 6912213.

* Resepnya 

Czech Republic's First Quintuplets

Czech Republic's First Quintuplet 

Alexandra Kinova

Twenty three-year-old Alexandra Kinova from Milovice, about 30 km east of Prague, smiles as she waits for the delivery of quintuplets at Prague's maternity hospital in Podoli Wednesday, May 29, 2013. The babies are expected to be born by Caesarean operation on Sunday.

 Kinova already has a 5-year-old son.

"When the doctors told me that I was expecting so many children I began to cry; I could not believe it," Kinova told the Mlada Fronta Dnes newspaper, according to The Telegraph. "But I was so very happy with the news.""When the doctors told me that I was expecting so many children I began to cry; I could not believe it," Kinova told the Mlada Fronta Dnes newspaper, according to The Telegraph. "But I was so very happy with the news." Conceiving quintuplets without fertility drugs is extremely rare. Dr. Wright Bates of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology told ABC News the odds were one in several million.

Antonin Kroscen

Father of first Czech quintuplets Antonin Kroscen, third from right, smiles as he joins the hospital crew in a toast during a press conference held in Prague, Czech Republic, Sunday, June 2, 2013, after his 23 year-old partner Alexandra Kinova delivered four boys and one girl at Prague's maternity hospital earlier in the morning. The babies were born by Caesarean operation, they and their mother are all healthy and in a good condition.

Father of first Czech quintuplets Antonin Kroscen smiles during a press conference held in Prague, Czech Republic, on Sunday, June 2, 2013, after his 23 year-old partner Alexandra Kinova delivered four boys and one girl at Prague's maternity hospital earlier in the morning. The babies were born by Caesarean operation, they and their mother are all healthy and in a good condition.

Alexandra Kinova’s four boys and a girl were delivered by caesarean section in Prague, doctors said. The 23-year-old gave birth ‘without any complications’.The babies, who were naturally conceived, were put in an intensive care unit but have a 95 per cent chance of growing up healthy


Ms Kinova has already named the five children with help from her partner Antonin Kroscen and young son.Her boys are called Deniel, Michael, Alex and Martin and her daughter is called Terezka 

The mother had told she was surprised when she heard she was giving birth to five children.‘When we finally found a fifth head, I started to cry,’ she said when talking about her scan. 

The couple had not been sure about the sex of all the children until after they were born because the scan had obscured two of them. 

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